
by Andrew Spencer
One of the joys of a Nantucket summer is the gathering of family and friends, enjoying time together and savoring an unforgettable meal. Fresh fish from the oceans that surround us, vegetables grown at one of the local farms, and a bottle of wine to share with those we love. When we all get together during those times, where does everyone seem to congregate? You guessed it: the kitchen.

It’s one of those truths of a get-together that has become so common that it’s almost a cliché, but people really do always congregate in the kitchen. So it only makes sense that your kitchen should be just as warm and inviting to guests as any other room in your house. However, creating that welcoming environment takes an expert’s touch. Everything from choosing the right layout to incorporating the best color scheme to accenting it with the most appropriate fixtures, creating the ideal kitchen is so much more than just designating a place to cook dinner.

Maybe you’d like to have a television so you can watch your favorite cooking show while preparing a meal. Or perhaps you’re an oenophile who would benefit from a built-in wine refrigerator. Those who love to cook with fresh herbs might find that a herb garden in a bright kitchen window is a nice touch, and with today’s technologies, it’s almost de rigueur to have a charging station for phones, tablets and laptops. With so many details to consider, it’s no wonder that it takes an expert in kitchen design to create your perfect space.

Whatever your tastes and needs, Nantucket Architecture Group can design a new kitchen for you that will fill your every desire and expectation. Whether you’re renovating your current kitchen or starting from scratch with brand-new construction, remember that your kitchen is so much more than just a place to cook. It’s the heart and soul of your home and it’s the place where you’ll entertain guests on those fabulous Nantucket evenings you wish would never end.
For more information on Nantucket Architecture Group, view their website.