Gardening with Ease

by Karyad Hallam
The landscape on island often calls for plants with hardier constitutions. Although with enough care varieties that are more delicate can thrive. The soil is sandy, the air is salty and there are many deer and rabbits with no natural predators and a sweet tooth for plants. Other than the famed Nantucket hydrangeas, roses and decorative grasses, here are some perennials that will complement your garden, accentuate pathways, borders and pools, and endure the island environment. Ask our island-based gardeners, designers and landscapers for advice on perennials so that you can watch your garden come up with ease in the spring and all you need to do is fill in with some favorite annuals.
- Artemisia
- Asters
- Astilbe
- Bee Balm
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Blanket Flower
- Chrysanthemum
- Coneflower
- Coralbells
- Coreopsis
- Crocosmia “Lucifer”
- Daffodils
- Delphiniums
- Echinacea
- Epidimium
- Foxgloves
- Geranium Cranesbill
- Hellebore
- Hollyhock
- Hydrandgea
- Iris
- Japanese Anemone
- Joe Pye Weed
- Lily of the Valley
- Lupines
- Mallow
- Nepeta
- Ornamental Grasses
- Peonies
- Pincushion Flower
- Phlox
- Roses
- Salvia
- Spirea
- Shasta Daisies
- Veronica
- Yarrow
Article edited. Original article from REVIEW Nantucket, Spring 2017.